Classic TV Shows

A great little sitcom featuring the comic adventures of Susie, private secretary to talent agent Peter Sands that ran on TV Sunday nights from 1953 – 1957. Susie keeps the office of International Artist humming in the world of snobbish actors, insecure writers and big-shot producers. Private Secretary on network Television became “Susie” in syndication. Ann Sothern plays Susie, Peter Sands is her boss, and Ann Tyrell is the receptionist Vi Praskins. You’ll roar with laughter as the shennigans of Susie, Private Secretary. The adventures of Susie aka Private Secretary. Ann Sothern is delightful in this early 1950s sitcom. This collection includes 16 rare episodes, digitally remastered and restored.


Old Dogs – New Tricks, Oh Brother!, Cat On A Hot Tin File, Little Caesar of Blecker St., Passing The Buck, Elusive, Sow’s Ear, How To Handle A Boss, What Every Secretary Knows, Dollars and Sense, Her Best Enemy, Three’s A Crowd, That’s No Lady, The Efficiency Expert, Two And Two Make Five, Thy Name Sands.