What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of San Diego County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1913.
San Diego County, California
A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement
VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2 1000 pages on 1 CD
An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
CHAPTER I - California CHAPTER II - Physical Geography of Lower California CHAPTER III - Indians of Lower California CHAPTER IV - Lower California in 1768 CHAPTER V - St. Francis and His Order CHAPTER VI -The Pioneers of 1769 CHAPTER VII - Settlement of San Diego CHAPTER VIII - The End of Franciscan Rule CHAPTER IX - Amusements of the Californian of Early Days CHAPTER X - Habits and Customs of the Californian CHAPTER XI - The Original San Diego CHAPTER XII - Alonzo E. Horton, Builder of Cities CHAPTER XIII - Sketch of Alonzo E. Horton CHAPTER XIV - A Lucrative Industry CHAPTER XV - Looking Backward CHAPTER XVI - Early Days in San Diego CHAPTER XVII - San Diego County Created and Organized in 1850 CHAPTER XVIII - Removal of County Seat CHAPTER XIX - San Diego Receives a Charter CHAPTER XX - San Diego Grows Apace CHAPTER XXI - Railroad Building CHAPTER XXII - Street Railways CHAPTER XXIII - The Arizona & San Diego Railroad CHAPTER XXIV - The Press CHAPTER XXV - Bench and Bar CHAPTER XXVI - The Medical Profession CHAPTER XXVII - Religious Organizations CHAPTER XXXIII - Schools of San Diego CHAPTER XXIX - State Normal School CHAPTER XXX - San Diego Public Library CHAPTER XXXI - Postoffices and Postmasters of San Diego County CHAPTER XXXII - San Diego Custom House CHAPTER XXXIII - Financial CHAPTER XXXIV - Progress CHAPTER XXXV - Chamber of Commerce CHAPTER XXXVI - Clubs of San Diego CHAPTER XXXVII - Young Men's Christian Association CHAPTER XXXVIII - Fraternal Bodies CHAPTER XXXIX - City Government and Public Utilities CHAPTER XL - Population, Parks and Property of San Diego CHAPTER XLI - Hotels, Theaters and Industrial Fair CHAPTER XLII - San Diego's Harbor CHAPTER XLIII - Climate and Roads of San Diego CHAPTER XLIV - San Diego—Panama Exposition CHAPTER XLV - National City and Suburbs of San Diego CHAPTER XLVI - The Little Landers CHAPTER XLVII - Local Historic Spanish Families CHAPTER XLVIII - Local Historic American Families CHAPTER XLIX - Pala Indian Agency—Mines CHAPTER L - A Juggernaut of the Sea CHAPTER LI - The Mexican War
Adams, Agard, Akerman, Alexander, Allen, Almgren, Ames, Anderson, Anthony, Austin, Balch, Ballou, Bancroft, Bangs, Barbour, Barnes, Barrett, Bartholomew, Bateman, Bates, Belding, Bell, Bellinger, Benard, Bennett, Black, Blochman, Bond, Borgh, Botsford, Boutelle, Bradley, Brashear, Brelin, Brink, Browne, Brownrigg, Bullen, Burlingame, Burnham, Byars, Callahan, Campbell, Capps, Carpenter, Carson, Case, Casson, Chapin, Chapman, Choate, Clark, Coates, Collier, Collins, Colton, Connell, Conniry, Cordtz, Cox, Creswell, Crippen, Crise, Croghan, Culbertson, Cushman, Dadmun, Daley, Daugherty, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Derbyshire, Dick, Dingeman, Dixon, Doolittle, Dupee, Dyer, Eilersficken, Eliason, Elliott, English, Ervast, Escher, Evans, Farnsworth, Ferry, Fleming, Fletcher, Flower, Forbes, Forker, Forward, Francisco, Franklin, Frazer, Frevert, Frisbie, Frost, Fry, Gage, Gailey, Gaston, Gay, Gearhart, Gifford, Gillespie, Gillmore, Gillons, Gilmore, Glidden, Goatley, Gowen, Grant, Green, Griffith, Gunn, Guy, Gwyn, Halliday, Hamilton, Hammack, Hammonds, Harbison, Hardy, Hawley, Hayes, Hays, Hayward, Hazzard, Heffernan, Heilbron, Heller, Henderson, Hieatt, Hilton, Hinde, Hitchcock, Hizar, Hofflund, Hogaboom, Holderness, Holle, Hulbert, Hutchinson, Irones, Isbell, Jackson, Jacobs, Jaeger, Jameson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Julian, Jungk, Keith, Kerber, Kettner, Kimball, King, Kinney, Kirkwood, Kneale, Knight, Knox, Kollock, Lancaster, Lassiter, Lawler, Lawrence, Layman, Lea, Leach, Lehner, Leonhard, Leyi, Levi, Lewis, Lindgren, Little, Loebenstein, Loomis, Lorini, Luce, McAllister, McCorkle, McCoy, McCulloch, McCutchen, McKee, McMurtrie, McVean, Magee, Marsh, Marshall, Mathews, Mathewson, Moody, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Mossholder, Muehleisen, Neale, Neeb, Newman, Noeltner, Noidahl, Northrup, Norton, Oaks, Oatman, Ober, O'Farrell, Olds, Oliver, O'Neall, Oppenlieimer, Osborn, Osborne, Otto, Over, Payson, Peavey, Penfold, Perrin, Peters, Piepenbrink, Plant, Pollak, Praul, Puterbaugh, Rambo, Randlett, Reed, Reidy, Reinbold, Remondino, Requa, Richards, Riddell, Riordon, Rockwood, Rodgers, Rogers, Rubendall, Rumsey, Samson, Sampson, Sanford, Saum, Schiefer, Schnell, Schoonover, Schumann-Heink, Schwab, Scott, Sears, Sebree, Seidel, Sensenbrenner, Shaw, Sheets, Sherman, Shreve, Sloane, Smith, Snyder, Spalding, Speer, Spreckels, Springer, Steade, Stell, Stevens, Stewart, Stiles, Strahlmann, Strawn, Suttle, Swallow, Swayne, Sweet, Sykes, Talley, Tarvin, Taylor, Thelen, Thompson, Tracy, Traggardh, Trounce, Tucker, Turrentine, Utley, Valenzuela, Valle, Van, Verlaque, Vogdes, Wadhani, Wadham, Walsh, Ward, Warner, Waters, Watkins, Weatherbie, Webster, Whedon, White, Wilbur, Williams, Willoughby, Wills, Winder, Winter, Wray, Wright,