Regardless if you choose Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), Paleo, Keto, or Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) you can rest easy knowing that our products comply to each diet. All of our products were formulated around the strictest of diets (AIP) and as a result they comply perfectly with those following similar diets. Our combination of grass-fed beef collagen protein with organic fruits and veggies is unparalleled. The smooth vanilla banana flavor makes you wonder if it is actually good for you. Those of you following one of the big four diets (AIP, Paleo, SCD, Keto) are in a noble pursuit to naturally remedy and improve your health and performance. Here at Primal Health & Nutrition we hope to aid you in this effort so you can lean on our products to provide you additional stability as you adjust to your primal lifestyle.
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