Amber Glass For Warm Glow
2 piece Fairy Lamp
Candleholder or Potpourri Dish
Here is an 2 piece glass fairy lamp. Fairy lamps were originally marketed as candleholders, but they work beautifully as a potpourri bowl dish. The design features diamond shape hobnails and the bottom piece has a scallop edge.
Size: The bottom is about 3 inches high with 3.5 inch diameter. The total height of the two pieces is about 7 inches.
Condition: No cracks or chips. Some slight mold roughness.
Shipping weight from zip 68510: About 2.9 pounds
Inventory #: blk_165
Keywords: Amber glass, autumn decorating, autumn colors, fairy lamp candleholder, candle holder, candlestick, potpourri dish with lid,
Unknown Glass Company, potpourri bowl,