Alfs Button Afloat
Released in July, 1938: Aladdin's magic lamp is melted down and made into buttons, and Alf from the comedy Crazy Gang has one.
Directed by: Marcel Varnel
Written by: W.A. Darlington, Mariott Edgar , Val Guest and Ralph Smart.
The Actors: Bud Flanagan Alf Higgins, member The Crazy Gang, Chesney Allen Ches, member The Crazy Gang, Jimmy Nervo Cecil, member The Crazy Gang, Teddy Knox Teddy, member The Crazy Gang, Charlie Naughton Charlie, , member The Crazy Gang, Jimmy Gold Jimmy, Alistair Sim Eustace, Genie of the button, Wally Patch Sergeant Hawkins, Peter Gawthorne Captain Driscol, Agnes Lauchlan Lady Driscol, Glennis Lorimer Frankie Driscol, James Carney Lieutenant John Hardy, Wilson Coleman surgeon, J.H. Roberts Aladdin, Bruce Winston Mustapha, Richard Cooper Lord Wimbledon, John Slater unknown.
Runtime: 1h 29m
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