As You Like It
Released on January 8, 1936: Sir Laurence Olivier plays the part of Orlando in this 1936 epic production of William Shakespear's love story.
Directed by: Paul Czinner
Written by: William Shakespeare with screen play by J.M. Barrie, Robert Cullen and Carl Mayer
The Actors: Sir Laurence Olivier Orlando, Henry Ainley exiled Duke, Elisabeth Bergner Rosalind, Felix Aylmer Duke Frederick, Stuart Robertson Amiens, Leon Quartermaine Jacques, Austin Trevor Le Beau, Lionel Braham Charles the wrestler, John Laurie Oliver, J. Fisher White Adam, Mackenzie Ward Touchstone, Aubrey Mather Corin, Richard Ainley Sylvius, Peter Bull William, Sophie Stewart Celia, Joan White Phoebe, Dorice Fordred Audrey, W.K. Clark guard, C. Hall page, Laurence Hanray the third Lord, Cyril Horrocks the first Lord, Ellis Irving the second Lord
Runtime: 1h 37m
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