Carnival Girl

Released on November 11, 1933: A wealthy man pretends to be penniless and joins a carnival touring the country so he can search of a girl that will love him even if he is poor.

Directed by: Howard Higgin

Written by: Harold Tarshis and Wellyn Totman

The Actors: Boots Mallory Penny Lee, Allen Vincent Tom Warren, Donald Kerr Dick, Rollo Lloyd Harry the pickpocket, Jason Robards Sr. Jim Ryan, Gertrude Astor Zandra, fortune teller, Anita Faye Trixie, Rich Hayes P.T. Porky Owens, Earl McDonald Carl, Kit Guard Gorilla Watson, Patrick Cunning party guest, Isabel La Mal party guest, Charles McAvoy detective, Rose Plumer woman having palm read, Angelo Rossitto dwarf, Rolfe Sedan carnival barker

Runtime: 1h 4m

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