Released on August 24, 1948:
Directed by: Andre De Toth
Written by: Jay Dratler with screenplay by Karl Kamb, William Bowers and Andr De Toth
The Actors: Dick Powell John Forbes, Lizabeth Scott Mona Stevens, Jane Wyatt Sue Forbes, Raymond Burr J.B. MacDonald, private detective, John Litel District Attorney, Byron Barr Bill Smiley, Jimmy Hunt Tommy Forbes, Ann Doran Maggie, Forbes' secretary, Selmer Jackson Ed Brawley, Margaret Wells Terry, May Company floorwalker, Dick Wessel police desk sergeant, Eddie Borden prison visitor, Ben Erway doctor, Don Haggerty District Attorney's man, Sam Harris man in diner, David McMahon police lieutenant, Cap Somers prisoner
Runtime: 1h 26m
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