Secret of the Wasteland

Released on November 15, 1941: Hopalong Cassidy discovers a secret oasis town in the middle of the desert inhabited by Chinese-Americans who have a rich gold mine, and the bad guys will try to steal it from them.

Directed by: Derwin Abrahams

Written by: Harry Sinclair Drago, and Gerald Geraghty from characters created by Clarence E. Mulford

The Actors: William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy, Andy Clyde California Carleson, Brad King Johnny Nelson, Soo Yong Moy Soong, Barbara Britton Jennifer Kendall, Douglas Fowley Slade Salters, Keith Richards Clay Elliott, U.S. Mint representative, Richard Loo Quan, Lee Tung Foo Doy Kee, Gordon Hart Doctor Malcolm Birdsall, Earl Gunn Clanton, Ian MacDonald Hollister, John Rawlins Williams, Roland Got Yeng, Hal Price Professor Balto Stubbs, Johnny Luther Bar 20 cowhand, Charles Murphy henchman, Bill Nestell horse seller, Jack Rockwell Sheriff Mulhall

Runtime: 1h 6m

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