The Guinea Pig
Released on October 27, 1948: The son of a working class London merchant is given a scholarship to the most presigious boys school in England.
Directed by: Roy Boulting
Written by: Warren Chetham Strode with screenplay by Bernard Miles and Roy Boulting
The Actors: Richard Attenborough Jack Read, Sheila Sim Lynne Hartley, Bernard Miles Mr. Read, Cecil Trouncer Lloyd Hartley, Robert Flemyng Nigel Lorraine, Edith Sharpe Mrs. Hartley, Joan Hickson Mrs. Read, Timothy Bateson Tracey, Clive Baxter Gregory, Basil Cunard Buckton, John Forrest Fitch, Maureen Glynne Bessie, Brenda Hogan Lorna Beckett, Herbert Lomas Sir James Corfield, Anthony Newley Miles Minor, Anthony Nicholls Mr. Stringer, Wally Patch Uncle Percy, Hay Petrie Peck, Oscar Quitak David Tracey, Kynaston Reeves the Bishop, Peter Reynolds Grimmett, Olive Sloane Aunt Mabel, Tony Wager Bert, Percy Walsh Alec Stevens, Norman Watson Fanshaw, Michael Brailsford unknown, George Bryden unknown, Ambrose Day unknown, Robert Desmond unknown, Richard Hart unknown, Edward Judd unknown, James Kenney unknown, Judy Manning unknown, Michael McKeag unknown, Jack Naughton unknown, Desmond Newling unknown, Colin Stroud unknown, Digby Wolfe unknown
Runtime:1h 37m
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