The Shadow Returns

Released on February 16, 1946: People are flying off of high balconies to their death, and only The Shadow can discover why and stop it.

Directed by: William Beaudine

Written by: George Callahan from the characthers created by Walter B. Gibson.

The Actors: Kane Richmond Lamont Cranston, Barbara Reed Margo Lane, Tom Dugan Shrevvy, Joseph Crehan Police Inspector Cardona, Pierre Watkin Police Commissioneer J.R. Weston, Robert Emmett Keane Charles Frobay, Frank Reicher Michael Hasdon, Lester Dorr William Monk, Rebel Randall Lenore Jessup, Emmett Vogan Joseph Yomans, aka Paul Breck, Sherry Hall Robert Buell, Cyril Delevanti John Adams the butler, Ernie Adams Hawwkeye, Eddie Parker warehouse thug, Brick Sullivan policeman at the cemetary.

Runtime: 1h 1m

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