To the Victor, or Owd Bob

Released on January 26, 1938: A heartwarming story of a crabby old sheep herder and his attempt to save his dog, who the village believes to be a killer.

Directed by: Robert Stevenson

Written by: Alfred Ollivant, J.B. Williams and Michael Hogan.

The Actors: Will Fyffe Adam McAdam, John Loder David Moore, Margaret Lockwood Jeannie McAdam, Graham Moffatt Tammas, Moore Marriott Samuel, Wilfred Walter W. Thwaites, Elliott Mason Mrs. Winthrop, A. Bromley Davenport Mr. Parker, H.F. Maltby Sergeant Walter Musgrave, Edmund Breon Lord Meredale, Wally Patch unlucky Joe, Alf Goddard Barry Davis, Marie Ault Mrs. Sanderson, Charles Rolfe contest announcer, Leonard Sharp bookmaker's assistant, D.J. Williams shepherd.

Runtime: 1h 15m

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