Brand New ~ Nesti Dante Horto Botanico TomatoSoap 250g 8.80 oz
In September 1945, at the age of twenty, Dante Nesti started making soap in his own home with a small 50- litre cauldron. Today the Nesti Soap Works, with its 70,000 and 120,000-litre cauldrons, is one of the major plants in Europe for the production of soap by the classical cauldron method. The factory management is proudly directed by the son Roberto and his wife that, since 40 years with the help of his family had pursued a balance between innovation and tradition. A relaxing dive into sweetness to reawaken the senses and dream with open eyes. The active ingredient of tones and rejuvenates.
Tomato: A cocktail of vitamins (C, B and A) that work together to give a glowing complexion