Breaking the Ice

Released on September 22, 1938: Bobby Breen is a young Mennonite boy from near Philadelphia who runs away from home to find his fortune.

Genre: Comedy

Director: Edward F. Cline

Actors: Bobby Breen (Tommy Martin), Charles Ruggles (Samuel 'Swapin' Sam' Terwilliger), Dolores Costello (Martha Martin), Irene Dare (Irene Dare, herself, five-year-old ice skating performer), Robert Barrat (William Decker), Dorothy Peterson (Annie Decker), John 'Dusty' King (Henry Johnson), Billy Gilbert (Mr. Small), Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Small), Charles Murray (janitor), Jonathan Hale (Mr. Kane), Delmar Watson (Reuben Johnson), Spencer Charters (farmer Smith), Cy Kendall (Mr. Judd), Maurice Cass (Mr. Jones), Lloyd Ingraham (Judd's office clerk)


Runtime: 1h 36min


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