He Walked by Night
Released on November 24, 1948: Noir Los Angeles Police drama that inspired the Dragnet television series.
Genre: Crime
Director: Alfred Werker
Actors: Richard Basehart (Roy Martin, aka Roy Morgan), Jack Webb (Lee Whitey), Scott Brady (Police Sergeant Marty Brennan), Roy Roberts (Police Captain Breen), Whit Bissell (Paul Reeves), James Cardwell (Police Sergeant Chuck Jones), Dorothy Adams (Housewife), Jane Adams (Nurse Scanion), Jack Bailey (the witness in pajamas and a robe), Alma Beltran (Miss Montalvo, the liquor store owner), Robert Bice (the Detective with Captain Breen), Chief Bradley (himself), Frank Cady (Pete Hammond, suspect), George Chan (the Chinese suspect), Garrett Craig (the patrolman), John Dehner (the assistant Bureau Chief), Ann Doran (the police dispatcher), Rex Downing (the young hoodlum), Michael Dugan (patrolman), Byron Foulger (Freddie, in the Bureau or Records), Kay Garrett (Doctor), George Goodman (Punchy the fighter suspect), Tim Graham (the uniformed Sergeant), Kit Guard (suspect), Reed Hadley (the narrator), Harry Harvey (liquor store proprietor), Thomas Browne Henry (Dunning the TV customer), Virginia Hunter (Miss Smith, liquor store proprietor), Felice Ingersoll (the records clerk), Anthony Jochim (the Spanish speaking detective), Stan Johnson (the artist), Louise Kane (Mrs. Robert Rawlins), Tommy Kelly (the young hoodlum, alias 'Redhead'), Dick Mason (the mailman), Billy Mauch (the young hoodlum, alias 'Handsome'), John McGuire (Officer Robert Rawlins), Charles Meredith (Hollywood police official) Carlotta Monti (Miss Montavio, liquor store customer), Bert Moorhouse (Detective), James Nolan (Harry, detective), John Parrish (liquor store proprietor), Ruth Robinson (Mrs. Johnson, liquor store proprietor), Paul Scardon (liquor store proprietor), Earl Spainard (liquor store proprietor), Florence Stephens (receptionist), Bernie Suss (business suspect), Kenneth Tobey (the detective questioning Pete), Wally Vernon (postman), Harlan Warde (police operator 27), Mary Ware (Reeves' secretary), Robert Williams (detective), Harry Wilson (prison inmate), Marty Wynn (Police Sergeant).
Runtime: 1h 19min
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