Released on December 15, 1946: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans are in search of racketeers laundering black market money during the annual Helldorado Celebration and Rodeo in Las Vegas.
Genre: Music
Duration: 2h 12min
Director: W. Lee Wilder
Actors: Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers), George 'Gabby' Hayes (Gabby), Dale Evans (Carol Randall), Paul Harvey (C.W. Driscoll, gangster), Brad Dexter (Alec Baxter), John Bagni (henchman Johnny), John Phillips (Sheriff), Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart (Dr. Harrison), Rex Lease (Charlie, bartender), Steve Darrell (henchman Mitch), Doye O'Dell (carnival ticket taker), LeRoy Mason (ranger at dam), Charles Williams (carnival judge), Eddie Acuff (carnival shooting gallery attendant), Bob Nolan (leader, Pat Brady (Pat Brady, member Sons of the Pioneers), Tim Spencer (member, Sons of the Pioneers), Hugh Farr (Hugh, member Sons of the Pioneers), Karl Farr (member Sons of the Pioneers, man at treasure hung), Lloyd Perryman (guitar player, Sons of the Pioneers), Phil Arnold (vendor), Sam Ash (vendor), Joaquin Bascou (little girl), Virginia Carroll (Ann, hatcheck girl), George Chandler (photographer), Tex Cooper (townsman), Bobbie Dorree (cowgirl), Shug Fisher (stable foreman), Frank Henry (deputy), Eddie Kane (Humphries, State Bank), Walter Lawrence (vendor), Frank McGrath (bearded man next to carnival jail), Clayton Moore (Joe, reporter), Victor Potel (Desert Springs station agent), Keith Richards (croupier), Tom Smith (parade spectator), Jack Sparks (guitar player), Tex Terry (cowhand), Emmett Vogan Jr. (show barker), Bill Yrigoyen (rider), Joe Yrigoyen (rider).
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