Released on August 22, 1939: A hotel bellboy plays private detective when he discovers a dead body in the hotel.

Genre: Action

Duration: 58min

Director: Howard Bretherton

Actors: Frankie Darro (Buzzy O'Brien, hotel bellhop #7), Dick Purcell (Steve Lanahan), Lillian Elliott (Mrs. O'Brien), Dennis Moore (Jim Monahan), James Flavin (hotel detective Fluger), Sheila Darcy (Kitty Monahan), Mantan Moreland (Jefferson, hotel janitor), Ralph Peters (Police Detective Jenkins), Tristram Coffin (Mr. Mace, the hotel desk clerk), Pat Gleason (Banning the bond robber), Gene O'Donnell (bond robber), Donald Kerr (newspaper reporter), Howard M. Mitchell (hotel manager), Aloha Wray (dancer), Morgan Brown (hotel waiter), Mike Donovan (Mike the cop), Raoul Freeman (photographer)

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