Released May 25, 1945: A delightful British comedy about a struggling London actress that gets more than a job when she becomes a servant to a crusty retired politician.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 17min

Director: Lewis Seiler

Actors: Gracie Fields (Molly Barry), Monty Woolley (John Graham), Roddy McDowall (Jimmy Graham), Reginald Gardiner (Harry Phillips, and Peabody), Natalie Schafer (Kitty Goode-Burroughs), Edith Barrett (Julia), Clifford Brooke (Pops), Aminta Dyne (Musette), Queenie Leonard (Lily), Doris Lloyd (Mrs. Graham), Patrick O'Moore (Ronnie), Lewis L. Russell (Sir Arthur Burroughs), Matthew Boulton (Sergeant), Lillian Bronson (Perkins), Nora Cecil (clerk at Domestic Service Agency), David Clyde (Angus the gardener), Jean Del Val (Pierre Petard the cook), Leslie Denison (policeman), Ethel Griffies (Mrs. Lamb), Leyland Hodgson (manager), Boyd Irwin (Lord Alexander), Kenner G. Kemp (man in pub), Ottola Nesmith (Lady Alexander), Dorothy Neumann (clerk at Domestic Service Agency), Jean Prescott (barmaid), Gordon Richards (Jamie McDougall), Jerry Shane (messenger boy), Walter Tetley (grocery boy), Eric Wilton (George the butler).

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