Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Released on November 14, 1964: Martians kidnap Santa Claus along with little Billy and Betty and take them to Mars so that the little Martian children can get presents from Santa.

Genre: Adventure

Director: Nicholas Weber

Actors: John Call (Santa Claus), Leonard Hicks (Kimar), Vincent Beck (Voldar), Bill McCutcheon (Dropo), Pia Zadora (Girmar) , Victor Stiles (Billy Foster), Donna Conforti (Betty Foster), Chris Month (Bomar), Leila Martin (Momar), Charles Renn (Hargo), James Cahill (Rigna), Ned Wertimer (Andy Henderson), Doris Rich (Mrs. Santa Claus), Carl Don (Chochem / Von Green), Ivor Bodin (Winky), Al Nesor (Stobo), Josip Elic (Shim), Jim Bishop (Lomas), Lin Thurmond (children tv announcer), Don Blair (tv news announcer), Tony Ross (Santa's helper), Scott Aronesty (Santa's helper), Ron Rotholz (Santa's helper), Glenn Schaffer (Santa's helper), Gene Lindsey (Polar Bear)

Runtime: 1h 21min

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