Released on September 1, 1936: A song writer for movies falls in love with a down-and-out actress, and her career takes off while his slowly seems to be dying.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 6min

Director: Ralph Staub

Actors: Roger Pryor (Danny West), Grace Bradley (Polly Blair), William Newell (Mike Rooney), Pert Kelton (Mattie), Henry Kolker (Worthington), Henry Wadsworth (Charlie Lane), Joyce Compton (Blossom Dawn), Pierre Watkin (movie producer Tucker), William Janney (young husband), June Martel (young wife), The Theodores (three musicians accompanying the final song), Jimmy Ray (feature dancer), Harvey Clark (Frank, hotel manager), George Cooper (Jim Daggett, taxi cab driver), Donna Mae Roberts (girl in nightclub)

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