Released on February 11, 1918: In one of the final motion pictures produced by the Thomas Edison studios, a young aristrocratic man joins the Marines to fight in the world's first great war, and his battle experiences dramatically alter his aristocratic beliefs.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 20min

Director: Alan Crosland

Actors: Marguerite Courtot(Virginie Harbrok),Raymond McKee(Philip Landicutt),Erich von Stroheim(Lieutenant Kurt von Schnieditz),Kate Lester(Margaret Landicutt),Frank DeVernon(Uncle Jemmy Landicutt),Mortimer Martine(Eugene Harbrok),Blanche Davenport(Madam Harbrok),Harold Hollacher(Pierre Harbrok),Darwin Karr(Lefty),Earl Schenck(Emanuel Muller),Gertrude Norman(Marianne Marnholm),Lew Hart(Hoffman),Thomas Holcomb- Marine Major (commanding officer),J.F. Rorke(Marine Lieutenant) (Lieutenant Terence O'Shaugthnessy),Moss Gill- Marine Sergeant (Albert Mullins),Ross E. Rowell- Marine Major (Major Ross E. Rowell),Thomas Sterrett- Marine Captain (Captain Thomas Sterrett),Percy Webb- Marine Sergeant (Sergeant Percy Webb),Bon Ryland- Marine Corporal (Corporal Bon Ryland)

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