They Can't Hang Me

Released on October 1, 1955: A condemned killer in England wants to trade the name of the greatest British spy traitor for his freedom, and Scotland Yard has only five days to get the name before he hangs.

Genre: Crime

Director: Val Guest

Actors: Terence Morgan (Inspector Ralph Brown), Yolande Donlan (Jill Wilson), Anthony Oliver (Inspector Newcombe), Andre Morell (Robert Isaac Pitt), Reginald Beckwith (Harold, Brown's butler), Ursula Howells (Antonia Pitt), Guido Lorraine (Pietr Revski), Basil Dignam (wing commander), John Horsley (Assistant Commissioner), Mark Dignam (prison Governor), Raymond Rollett (Sir Robert Rosper), Fred Johnson (Professor Robinson-Heston), Arnold Marle (Professor Karl Kope), Barry Lowe (Private Eric Colter, the soldier with the rifle), Diana Lambert (youg lady on street), Richard Cuthbert (the Judge), Petra Davies (Pitt's maid), Brown Derby (Police Sergeant), Michael Godfrey (Cherwell Security Guard), Philip Levene (BBC news reader), Arthur Lovegrove (Nick), John Maxwell (Brown's co-driver), Guy Mills (Brown's driver), Stuart Mitchell (head waiter), Cyril Renison (Enders), Nigel Sharpe (soldier)

Runtime: 1h 15min

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