Released on June 9, 1948: A newsreel cameraman is marked for death when he accidentally gets a wanted war criminal in his fashion newsreel footage on a downtown New York street.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 16min

Director: Jack Donohue

Actors: Alan Baxter (Phil Sparr), Virginia Gilmore (Peggy Lake), Richard Kollmar (Martin Beaumont), Loring Smith (Harry Avery), Phillip Huston (Joseph Gibbons), Joey Faye (Roger), Russell Collins (Beck), Michael Wyler (Fredericks), Sid Melton (Stanislaus Kranobwosky, cabbie), Wendell K. Phillips (henchman Harold), Erin Selwyn (receptionist Bessie), Jimmy Sheridan (Jimmy), Marcia Walter (Rita), Dort Clark (detective), Kenne Duncan (detective), Lauren Gilbert (FBI man Miller), Johnny Kane (drunk), Maurice Manson (Inspector Lonigan)

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