Released on December 5, 1941: A fan dancer goes to her home in the Suwannee swamps and discovers that her younger sister is about to marry an escaped convict.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 8min

Director: Elmer Clifton

Actors: Ann Corio (Annabelle Tollington), Jack La Rue (Pierre Pertinax Pontineau Briand Broussicourt d'Olivier, aka Pete Oliver), Mary Hull (Lizbet Tollington), Ian MacDonald (Detective Lieutenant Rance), Jay Novello ('Flash' Brand), Richard Deane (Jeff Carter), Lois Austin (Mom Mary Tollington), Earl Gunn (Dad Jed Tollington), Guy Wilkerson (Abner Enderberry), Jimmy Aubrey (Tod Appleby), Carlin Sturtevant (Garnny Grundy), Ernie Adams (Spratt), Frank Hagney (guard)

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