Released on December 7, 1942: A mysterious unknown racketeer wants to become the middleman between farmers and the city market, adding an extra fee to every food item for the mob.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Arthur Dreifuss

Actors: John Litel (Michael Lynn, boss of the food market), Florence Rice (Linda Gregory, newspaper reporter), H.B. Warner (Jeffrey Moore), John Miljan (Kenneth Craige), Jean Brooks (Iris Moore), David Bacon (Doctor Gil Page), Mary Gordon (Mrs. Lane), Frank Ferguson (Bram Hart), Lloyd Ingraham (Police Inspector Torrence), John Maxwell (Foster), Paul Dubov (Graham), Patricia Prest (Francis Hart), Ted Adams (dairy owner), Jack Cheatham (police detective), Jack George (fruit store owner), John Ince (garage owner), Jack Kenney (hotel desk clerk), Pat McKee (witness), Arthur Thalasso (court clerk)

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