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Own a piece of history, fascinating to read! The POST is famous for its great illustrators (on the cover and inside!) -- each issue also features articles, stories by famous authors, photographs, and great vintage advertisements! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
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ISSUE DATE: January 15, 1966; 239th Year, Issue No. 2, 1/15/66

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COVER: The Birth Control Revolution: The new freedom and new responsibilies facing the woman of today.

Keep out of my kid's hair (Speaking Out) ... Bruce Jay Friedman.
The mind of Mao (Affairs of State) ... Stewart Alsop.
The man who beat the rat race (The Human Comedy) ... Russell Baker.
The birth control revolution ... Steven M. Spencer.
My life as a Soviet prisoner ... Peter Landerman. Drawings by Louis Glanzman.
The last of the outlaw wolves ... Robert K. Massie.
Your eye can't lie ... Bill Davidson.

The two loves of DOCTOR ZHIVAGO ... Harold H. Martin. ("In the hills of Spain a beautiful new star and its moody ballet dancer have added another dimension to a celebrated Russian novel,") [Terrific article, featuring text and photos of JULIE CHRISTIE and GERALDINE CHAPLIN. Many pages, quotes, and photos!]
The evil eye ... Alfied Gillespie.
The chance of a lifetime ... Monty Culver. Illustrated by Tom Quinn.

DEPARTMENTS: Letters ; America, America; Hazel; Editorial; Post scripts.

ABOUT THIS ISSUE: Post science editor STEVEN M. SPENCER has been writing about medical topics for more than 3 years, 921 of them for The Post, and in that time has won numerous national awards for his work. The honors have come from, among others, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Albert Lasker Foundation, and the National Association for Mental Health, which last gave him recognition for his series of articles in 19692 about the Menninger brothers' psychiatric clinic in Kansas. The article in this issue is Spencer's second for The Post on birth control. The first, NEW CASE-HISTORY FACTS ON BIRTH-CONTROL PILLS, in the issue of June 30-July 7,19692, reported on the first two of the birth-control pills. Spencer is author of the book, Wonders of Modern Medicine, published by McGraw-Hill and translated into Italian and Spanish . . . . Another "920-year man" on the staff, HAROLD H. MARTIN, had his first full-length article published in The Post in 1945, but the one in this issue is his first about a motion picture./Cover by HIRO.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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Oversized magazine, Approx 10" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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