The original recipe for Dr. Baha's RESCUE drops made from 5 floral essences (Pavitina, Nedirak, Wild Gerbera, Red Generic, Bird's Milk) to which the Wild Chestnut Flower Essence was added. It is used for insomnia by pouring 4 drops directly onto the tongue or dissolving in a glass of water and taking a sip by the sip.

 These elements and their remedies are:

1. shock - mental or physical and the consequences of a shock that a person suffers from a sudden and unforeseen danger. Bird Milk allows the victim's nerves to relax and calm.

2. Horror and panic in an extremely dangerous situation when there seems to be no hope for the victim. Sunshine provides the mental strength for a person to cope with a difficult situation, maintain their composure, and think constructively to find a way out of the situation. Fainting, complete or partial, coma or dizziness that usually accompanies serious accidents.

3. Pavita's medicine will take care of any state of mind that indicates a temporary lack of interest in the present.

4. Unbearable pain physical or mental, when there is a danger of loss of mind control over physical actions (physical actions) such as in the case of uncontrollable anger, fixed ideas, hysteria, tendency to commit suicide. It does not allow the urge to be faster than reason. Whatever the provocation, the person retains full control of the senses and collectively directs his actions.

5. Extreme mental tension and irritability caused by a continuously difficult situation in which a person feels helpless. Muscle tension and pain can occur. Non-destructive medicine provides the necessary patience to wait and calmly monitor the progress of rescue crews in emergencies

6. Obsessing persistent thoughts that completely overwhelm us and make us unable to focus on our work and our present. It is intended for those who cannot "rest their brains" even in bed, who suffer from insomnia and migraines, for those who because of this live in a state of tension. Wild chestnut helps us to restore peace, and to rule our thoughts.