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ISSUE DATE: October 10, 1977; Vol. 110, No. 15

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COVER: Revolt of the old. The battle over forced retirement. Illustrations by Doug Johnson.

COVER: The latest U.S. revolt is being staged by the aged, who want the right to work as long as they please. Their crusade has attracted sudden congressional support. For an assessment of the consequences, see THE NATION.

THE NATION: The Senate puts on a gasser of an oldtime filibuster and dramatizes congressional independence of Carter. Hearings on the Panama Canal treaties open quietly-but senatorial passions are sure to rise.

THE WORLD: Give a Cruise here, a MIRV there-and maybe a SALT II deal is in reach. Israel still saysno to the P.L.O.

but wonders if the U.S. will say yes. The guns are silent, but so is the land: a report on southern Lebanon.

ESSAY: True, there is an energy shortage of sorts, but much oil and gas can be found if policyrnakers encourage producers.

MEDICINE: One-day "surgicenters" cut the cost of minor operations. The latest thing to pop out of vending machines is your BP. Economy & Business Cut-rate flights across the Atlantic. Carter plans a miniprohibition on three-martini lunches. Bayer bids for Miles.

ART: "Trends of the Twenties," mounted in Berlin, offers some 3,000 exhibits-a panorama of European avant-garde art.

MUSIC: Thea Musgrave is the leading woman opera composer. Praises are sung about her new work: The Voice of Ariadne.

EDUCATION: The Random House Encyclopedia is bigger than a breadbox, smaller than the British Museum, with a "Colorpedia.".

RELIGION: As Pope Paul celebrates his 80th birthday, bishops gather in Rome to discuss teaching and the papacy's future.

BOOKS: Three new biographies recall the wilds of Jack London. The Leo Frank case inspires a new novel.

CINEMA: Julia has its moments, but not many. Now a love story on wheels. Early returns from the New York Film Festival.

LIVING: Irish law is allowing authors and other creative folk to practice total income tax avoidance. Result: a little bit of haven.

THE LAW: Did TV teach a kid to kill? A Miami jury is being told yes. Television Cop Telly Savalas may be called to testify.

The Nation: Night of the Long Winds (The Nation).
The Nation: How High for Decontrolled Gas? (The Nation).
The Nation: What Ever Happened to Fritz? (The Nation).
The Nation: The Canal Debate Begins (The Nation).
Now, the Revolt of the Old (The Nation / COVER STORY): A winning fight for the right to go on working.
The Nation: Champ of the Elderly (The Nation).
The Nation: No Telling How Old Is Old (The Nation).
The Nation: The Pains and Pleasures of Being Thrown Out at 65 (The Nation).
The Nation: An Ovation For Bert (The Nation).
The Nation: Rating the Volunteer Army (The Nation).
Americana: Eratication (Americana).
Americana: Chasing Away the Blues (Americana).
Americana: On the Phone War Front (Americana).
ESSAY: Time Essay: Yes, There Is An Energy Crisis (Time Essay).

EAST-WEST: SALT: Toward a Breakthrough (The World / EAST-WEST).
MIDDLE EAST: Geneva: the Palestinian Problem (The World / MIDDLE EAST).
LEBANON: An Edgy Cease-Fire (The World / LEBANON).
FRANCE: Family Feud on the Left (The World / FRANCE).
WEST GERMANY: They Wish Us to Hell (The World / WEST GERMANY).

Medicine: Come-and-Go Surgery (Medicine).
Medicine: Medical Robot (Medicine).
SOCIETY: Living: A Little Bit of Haven (Living).
RELIGION: Religion: Twilight Papacy. Religion: Seeking New Sanctuaries.
Business: To London for 4 (Economy & Business).
Business: 17 Fares Across the Sea (Economy & Business).
Business: Halving the Expense Account (Economy & Business).
Business: No Rest at 89 (Economy & Business).
Business: Bayer as Buyer (Economy & Business).
EDUCATION: Education: The Colorpedia Americana.
The Law: Did TV Make Him Do It? (The Law).
The Law: Doctored Program (The Law).
The Law: Protecting a Good Name (The Law).

Music: The Musgrave Ritual (Music).
Cinema: A Convoluted Memoir of the '30s (Cinema).
Cinema: A Mortality Play (Cinema).
Cinema: Quick Cuts (Cinema).
Television: A Sunny, Nightmare Vision (Television).
Art: Trends of the Twenties (Art).
The Theater: Snaky Spell (The Theater).
The Theater: Ms. Himmler (The Theater).
Books: Redskin in the Parlor (Books).
Books: Godspells (Books).
Books: Dixie Diaspora (Books).
Books: Best Sellers (Books).

* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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