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ISSUE DATE: January 30, 1978; Vol. 111, No. 6

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COVER: Trying to build confidence. Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal. Middle East Walkout. Cover Ilustration by Wilson McLean.

Moving Down a Middle Road.
Trying to Build Confidence.
What Families Will Save on Taxes.
Up from Some Stumbles.
Again, the FBI Gets Its Man.
Rousing Farewell.
New Orders for the Admiral.
An Illustrious Kaffeeklatsch (The Presidency/Hugh Sidey).
Wooing the Black Vote.
A Jerry-Built Energy Program.
The Night the Roof Fell In.
Squaring Off on the Canal.
Encounter Therapy (Americana).
Horse Cents (Americana).
Low Blow (Americana).
The Glory of Grease (Americana).
Muzzling the IRS Monster (Americana).
ESSAY: America's New Sentimental Journey (Time Essay).

Sasat Shouts an Angry No (MIDDLE EAST).
Angry Settlers at "Little Sea".
Jordan's King Hussein: "I Am Not Optimistic at All".
Frost Is Forming Along the Wall (GERMANY).
Another Government Dissolves (ITALY).
An Odd but Hopeful Coupling (PORTUGAL).

SCIENCE: Avalanche over Lake Placid? (Environment).
HEALTH & MEDICINE: Ears Made New (Medicine).
SOCIETY: Japan's Picasso of the Flowers (Living).
PRESS: Naming Names. The Press Has Lost Its Watergate Edge (Newswatch/Thomas Griffith).
RELIGION: Homosexuality and the Clergy.
SPORT: Did Joey Eat? (Sport). Letting Go.
BUSINESS: Softer, but Still No Slump. Bitter Bust-Up In Filmland. Options Scam In Boston. Where the Big Blocks Are.
LAW: Stopping Crime as a Career. Briefs.

Cabaret Act (Cinema). THE SERPENT's EGG.
Black Monarch (Theater).
G.B.S. Lives (Theater).
Night Screams (Theater).
High Art from the Low Countries (Art).
NBC: Heady for Freddie (Television).
Dream Girl (Television).
Family Jewels (Television).
Genius of the Blackest Impulses (Books).
Leftovers (Books).
Sea Changes (Books).
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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