Physio Omega 

Today, it's more important than ever to be proactive about taking care of your heart. One out of every three US deaths comes from cardiovascular disease. Worldwide, heart disease and stroke are the top two killers. Physio Omega is a next-generation fish oil that gives your heart the greatest support against rising heart attack rates by including ALL THREE Omegas. The secret is DPA: a rare, little-known Omega-3 we've combined with EPA and DHA to create a unique, complete formula. Harvard Health analyzed data from 30,000 patients and found increased DPA levels to be the one thing those with the healthiest hearts had in common. Japanese researchers found DPA to be ten-times more effective than other more common Omegas (EPA and DHA) at protecting against deadly blood clots. DPA is also the specific Omega responsible for shutting off excess inflammation in your body, which is a root cause of many health issues including heart disease. Physio Omega's DPA comes from wild Menhaden (known to be the most abundant source of DPA) that have been sustainably caught in clean, American waters. The freshly chilled Menhaden are kept whole, and make a quick journey to a nearby facility where they are quickly prepared for the production process. The next step is something a lot of fish oil producers don't do well, or not at all, because it's expensive and cuts into profits. It's PhysioTru meeting these standards offers several big benefits: - So pure you don't have to worry about harmful contaminants - The oil is much more concentrated, so less DPA is needed per capsule - Because the oil is a higher grade more readily absorbed, there are no fish burps.

  • 100% American made
  • Molecularly distilled to the highest purity
  • Sustainably sourced
  • Crafted from only whole wild-caught Menhaden fish
  • Contains DPA, EPA and DHA

Why You Won’t Find “The Missing Omega”, Combined With Everything Else You Need In The Right Dose And Purity…Anywhere Else

There are actually two reasons:

1. Although DPA is shaping up to be the most important Omega-3 ever discovered, it is still less-known, compared to EPA and DHA. Most Omega-3 manufacturers don’t even know it exists, and even mainstream medicine hasn’t fully caught on to the remarkable benefits of DPA.

2. Compared to other Omegas, DPA is extremely rare. Only a limited amount is available at any given time throughout the year. That’s because, hands down, the best source for DPA is wild-caught Menhaden fish. And to keep things sustainable, only a certain amount of Menhaden are allowed to be caught each year. These fish are small and bony, so they aren’t great for eating. But they’re the most abundant source in the world when it comes to DPA. And since they are caught in the clean, federally regulated waters of the Chesapeake Bay—combined with the type of diet they have—they don’t contain harmful levels of contaminants that are so common in other fish and fish oils (ex. mercury, PCB’s, etc.). As a result, most Omega-3 makers don’t want the hefty expense of adding it…assuming they could get their hands on it to begin with.