immune support - WINE EXTRACT COMPLEX - resveratrol extra strength 1B


1 Bottle, 60 Capsules
Made in USA

Extends longevity of life as well as assist with healthy aging
Powerful Antioxidant Content
Improves and boosts energy level
Aids in the process of weight loss and speeds up your metabolism
Less visible signs wrinkles that come with aging
Natural Complex Of Ingredients
Antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory capacity
Works as an anti inflammatory

WINE EXTRACT COMPLEX COMPLEX 1200MG: Resveratrol is a naturally-occurring polyphenol compound that is found in red wine, red or purple grapes, some berries, and dark chocolate. Resveratrol has been touted as a potential remedy for a range of age-related conditions, including heart problems, immune system issues and much more! 

SUPPORT HEALTHY BRAIN ACTIVITY: Resveratrol is particularly unique as its antioxidants can cross the blood-brain barrier to protect the brain and the nervous system, unlike other antioxidants. Recent studies done by researchers at the Nutrition Research Center at Northunbria University in the U.K. showed that resveratrol can be benficial for increasing blood flow to the brain, thus it can be beneficial fore healthy brain functions.

A GREAT ANTIOXIDANT: Resveratrol has dual antioxidant activity: it’s a direct antioxidant and it increases many antioxidant enzymes, genes, and pathways. Its antioxidant effects underlie many of its health benefits. This is because oxidative stress and inflammation trigger or worsen numerous health issues.

RESVERATROL FOR YOUR HEALTH: Resveratrol is the polyphenol everyone has heard of because of the French paradox, hoping that drinking a bit of wine every day may indeed be miraculous. Resveratrol does have unique antioxidant, heart- and brain-protective benefits. It even triggers certain changes that put off aging and increase your energy.

POWERFUL ANTI INFLAMMATORY: Aside from its indirect antioxidant effects on inflammation, resveratrol also affects very specific inflammatory processes. The effects of resveratrol are really powerful when targeting the inflammation problem, even if it comes down to the hardest to target inflammation areas.

ANTI AGING SUPPLEMENT: Resveratrol may not be the philosopher’s stone that will confer you immortality, but it does beneficially impact some important aging-related problems. Resveratrol may improve health and longevity by mimicking calorie restriction in our diets. Caloric restriction is a dietary regimen that improves age related health and slows the aging process.

HELPS LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE: Because of its antioxidant properties, resveratrol could be a promising supplement for lowering blood pressure. A 2015 review concluded that high doses may help reduce the pressure exerted. Resveratrol may accomplish this blood-pressure-lowering effect by helping to produce more nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax.

RESVERATROL INCREASES ENDURANCE: According to a 2012 Canadian study, resveratrol supplementation can be beneficial forsupporting muscles and boosting endurance. The study, conducted over a 12-week period, found that resveratrol supplementation also can be beneficial for increasing of endurance and boosting metabolism.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.*