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Vintage News-week magazine, with all the news, features, photographs and vintage ADS --
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ISSUE DATE: October 7 1963; Vol LXII, No 15

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COVER: Ludwig Erhard: A new German Era.

THE COVER. The reins of the \Vest German government now pass from the autocratic Konrad Adenauer to economic wizard Ludwig Erhard. Can the roly-poly, cigarsmoking "Onkel Ludi" prove as successful in steering German foreign policy as he has been in spurring the postwar economic boom? This week, from extensive reports sent by NEWSWEEK'S Bonn-based correspondents Robert S. Elegant and Kenneth Ames, General Editor Peter R. Webb writes of the beginnings of a new German era. Pages 52 to 57. (NEWSWEEK cover photo by Katherine Young.)

The Economics of Peace. An easing of cold-war tensions could spell future budget cuts, a period of economic dislocation. Pentagon correspondent Lloyd H. Norman, General Editor Lawrence S. Martz, and other reporters around the U.S. report on how the problem might be solved. SPOTLIGHT ON BUSINESS, page 87.

Dateline, Saigon. A war of words erupts behind the Vietnam fighting front. The resident U.S. correspondents are raked over by Diem government officials -- and by some of their own colleagues in the press corps. An analysis of the reporters and their reporting. Page 98.

Who Can Stop Barry? Right now it looks as if no one can as the Goldwater bandwagon gathers momentum. One count of GOP convention delegates shows a rock-bottom 500, only 155 short of a majority, now favor the Arizona senator. How is the candidate taking his rapid political rise? NEWSWEEK'S Samuel Shaffer (photo with Goldwater below) last week found the senator "relaxed, in good spirits, and still astonished by the fact he is a front-runner in the Republican Presidential sweepstakes." Page 33.

PLUS: Vatican II, Scene Two; Test ban and atomic talks; The Republicans; Barry Goldwater's support; Robert G. Baker; McNamara makes a tour of Vietnam; International news; Onkel Ludi at the helm in Germany (cover story); Newsmakers...MEDICINE...SPORTS: Eddie King; Dodgers and Yankess in the World Series...LIFE & LEISURE: Nostalgics; Soapies; Skiing...BUSINESS: Mr. & Mrs. Super and U. S. Steel; What can industry do as Pentagon cuts back?; One World of Many? by Henry Hazlitt...THEATER: LUTHER; THE REHEARSAL...RELIGION...THE PRESS: Covering Saigon;Joseph Alsop; Halberstam; Higgins...TV & RADIO: Eugene Schenkel: "I'm No Shill"...SPACE: M-82...ART: A legacy in Danger: The Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in danger -- interesting article about resoration efforts -- [interesting article!]...SCIENCE: Hovercars; Are Scientists People?...MOVIES: Alain Delon in ANY NUMBER CAN WIN (pictured); THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA; THE RUNNING MAN; THE SOUND OF TRUMPETS...BOOKS: Bernard Malamud; Russell Lynes; Theodore C. Sorensen; Allen Dulles; MORE....

FULL PAGE vintage ADS include:
Plymouth; Chevelle by Chevrolet; Corvair Corvette and Chevy II from Chevrolet; FORD; The 64 Pontiac Tempest; Oldsmobile; Old Grand Dad; MORE....
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in GOOD condition, but there's wear and the cover is taped. (See photo)
A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
Careful packaging, Fast shipping, ALL GUARANTEED --