Package of 100 seeds of ACACIA FARNESIANA
Perfect for bonsai.
The seeds were took this season,
We have a lot of extremely rare plants if you want something rare let
me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me. This
plant is used mostly for ornamental but it have many more uses.
Analysis of essences of the floral extract from this plant, long used in
perfumery, resulted in the name for the sesquiterpen bio synthetic
chemical farnesol, found as a basic sterol precursor in plants, and
cholesterol precursor in animals .The seeds of a. farnesiana are not toxic to humans
and are a valuable food source for people throughout the plant's range.
The ripe seeds are put through a press to make oil for cooking Nonetheless, an anecdotal report has been made that in Brazil some people use the seeds of V. farnesiana to eliminate rabid dogs. The bark is used for its tannin content. Highly tannic barks are common in
general to acacias, extracts of many being are used in medicine. The leaves are
used as a tamarind flavoring for chutneys and the pods are roasted to be used in
sweet and sour dishes. The flowers are processed through distillation to produce
a perfume called Cassie. It is widely used in the perfume industry in
Europe. Flowers of the plant provide the perfume essence .The foliage is a significant source of forage in much of
its range, with a protein content around 18% .The bark and the flowers are the
parts of the tree most used in traditional medicine. A. FARNESIANA has
been used in Colombia to treat malaria, and the extract from the tree bark and
leaves has shown some efficacy against the malarial pathogen Plasmodium
falciparum in animal models . Indigenous Australians have used the roots and
bark of the tree to treat diarrhea and diseases of the skin. The tree's leaves
can also be rubbed on the skin to treat skin diseases.