After much discussion with our Coven members, we decided to offer up this specialty for a new worthy Keeper.

10 Ruby Demons in a ruby stone. Only one will be ever offered here up for sale! We decided to sell this for only $97, because they wanted us to offer them up for a new Disciple as soon as possible.

They hold dominion over ruby magic, vast wealth, opulence, revenge, dark powers, red powers, mind control, domination, seduction, sex, love, mind reading, mass manipulation, longevity, overall good health, protection, good luck, energy absorbtion, spirit communication, clairvoyance, clairaudience, regeneration, astral projection, supernatural perception, telekinesis, scrying, omnipotence, omniscience, astral time travel and more...

They can easily bestow these upon you and more! They wish to teach their unique ruby magic to a new Disciple and help him/her master reality and bend fate to his/her will.

They are very easy to work with and will never harm you in any way.

We can recommend them to new and experienced spirit keepers.

They will create a special shield around your mind using their ruby magic. It will stop, repel and reflect back to the sender all kinds of negativity, illness, disease, injury, bad luck, slander, black magic attack, curse, hex, etc.

They will first appear to you as 10 ruby orbs and after you worked with them for quite a while show themselves to you in their true form.

Their names, full powers, etc. will be revealed to the new Keeper.