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About the pendant: 1/2" x 3/4'" , .925 silver whale motif pendant. Cute piece!!
Albina has consecrated this lovely whale motif pendant with her powerful spell that she calls the "Ocean Tide" spell. She says that this spell will "cleanse" one's environmental energies and thus, also one's resulting experiences, by bringing towards one that which is desired while assisting with the release of that which is no longer essential. It wil also help one to see what one truly desires, while assisting with one recognizing and releasing that which is only habitual and not necessary or enjoyable. Albina says that much like a "cleansing Ocean Tide" this spell bestows " clean, pure energies that promote positive, productive, desired events, while expelling and 'washing away' negative energies that promotes undesirable and stagnant experiences".
Albina adds that this particular spell's subtle, yet powerful energies "also promotes precise decision making, as well as quick resolution and settlement of disputes and conflicts". She adds that she has given many of those aorund her similiar imbue pieces, especially those " who have experienced a great imbalance of negativity versus positivity that has disrupted their sense of happiness, peace, producitvity and progression". She explains that once she bestows these pieces to those in need, "they always decsribe this spell's energies as " a wave of warm energies washing over them". She also notes that soon thereafter, these individuals also notice great changes in the amount of positive events which now outweigh negative experiences. Albina also wanted me to note that she imbued this piece because she feels that there is a "wonderful" individual who needs the assistance of this Magick!! My Greatest Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her wisdom and abilities!!