One plant bare-root between 3 - 6 inches in height.
Average Mature Height: 6 - 10 ft.
Light: Full sun, Partial sun
Soil: Peat, or loam
Zones: 9 - 11
Musa 'Dwarf Green' is a sturdy plant with extremely thick leaves. The thick leaves make this cultivar very wind tolerant.
This is a cavendish type banana that produces a creamy orange pulp fruit.
Grows excellent cooking leaves that can be used for wrapping and grilling meat, as well as serving food.
Special Weather Conditions:
Many plants will go dormant in the cold/dark months and we may ship plants while they're dormant however, the plants are still alive, they're just working on their root systems. It is normal and healthy for plants to go dormant, it helps ensure they have along, happy and healthy life.