Deliciously sweet. The Early Alaska is a super-early pea variety that is designed to withstand some of the colder temperatures commonly found in the early part of the season. This semi-dwarf variety grows to an average height of 3?. It is a fairly prolific producer once flowering begins, and offers sweet and delicious flavor with 5-7 peas in each pod. This variety is great fresh, frozen or canned. Early Alaska Sweet Peas are tender, sweet flavored peas that are held upright on the top of semi-leafless plants that support themselves with extra tendrils. Alaska Sweet Pea grows best in cooler weather and is among the earliest varieties picked each year. Delicious fresh, frozen, or canned. Average: 59 days Zones 3-10 All seeds are packaged and for the current growing season. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER SEED LISTINGS