This is a neutral arts offering. Because the powers and energies of the Grand Magus Spirit can be used for both good (healing) and ill (revenge).


We wish to present a very powerful and unique spiritual entity. Enter the Grand Magus Spirit. Only five of these entities will be ever offered here up for sale!

This ring contains the spiritual essence, powers and energies of a Grand Magus Spirit and her legions of arcane elementals, thoughtforms, energy manifestations, astral protectors and various other spiritual beings.

The ring was enchanted with dozens of arcane spells, spellcodes and rituals, anointed with potent arcane and astral oils, imbued with the powers and energies of Five Dark Moon Ceremonies, lunar power and solar power over a full moon cycle. The end result is a true masterpiece ready to serve it's new Master or Mistress.

Just by holding the ring in your hands, you will feel it's incredible powers and energies. It radiates with divine arcane essence. When you put it on your finger, she will immediately form an eternal Soul Bond between you and her. She will be bound to you and you will be bound to her for all eternity.

She will immediately start working on you to awaken your astral senses and fill your soul with her unique arcane magicks. From this point on, you will be able to clearly see, hear and work with her whenever you desire!

She holds dominion over arcane magick, energy manipulation, matter manipulation, telekinesis, scrying, clairvoyance, clairaudience, third eye awakening, astral projection, protection, fire, air, wind, earth, lightning, evocation, invocation, spirit communication, future visions, lucid dreaming, elixir and potion making, life, healing, grounding, negativity removal, rejuvenation, youth, beauty, fortitude, long life, endurance, resilience, revenge, justice, fate, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, mind reading, mind manipulation, money, wealth, fortune, luck, fame, arcane spellcasting, dreamwalking, dream magick, psychic awakening, second sight, enchanced occult senses, razor sharp memory and more...

She will cause harm to others only in self-defense, bring justice upon an attacker and to protect you from your enemies.

The Grand Magus Spirit is here to teach you, help you, serve you and fulfill your mortal and otherworldly desires. She will often visit you to converse, give you advice or guidance, reveal special arcane spells, spellcodes and ritual unique to your soul and help you in your life. You can always count on her for help and aid in your times of need. She will never let you down and work eternally to help you in your life.

Over time, the bond between you and her will become stronger and stronger. She will know your deepest feelings, emotions, desires, fears and work towards fulfilling your unspoken commands. If you wish, then she will teach you very powerful arcanse spells and rituals unique to her race. She will also grant you some of her servitor spirits. They will protect you eternally and are ready to fulfill your commands. Give them service and they will serve you however long your heart desires.

We can recommend the Grand Magus Spirit to both new and experienced spirit keepers. We found her in our travels on the astral planes over 10 years ago. We worked with her and her kind in great detail, forged pacts and alliances with them and learned their unique arcance magicks and crafts. A very powerful Grand Magus Spirit visited us once on the night of a full moon and mandated us to offer here Five of these special rings to Five worthy spirit keepers.

Now, we are offering five of these rings for those, who wish to work with these mega powerful arcane divinities. Do you want to obtain wealth? Good health? Would you like to astral project, visit the astral realms and other spiritual planes of existence? Would you like to become a super powerful sorcerer or witch? Protect yourself and your loved ones from harm? The Grand Magus Spirit can help you with all these and more!

She will never harm you in any way. But you should still show her respect, because she is a powerful and ancient divinity. In return, she will be your eternal ally and friend along your path.

She will create a special arcane magick spiritual shield around your mind, body and soul. It will protect you from all kinds of harm, injury, slander, theft, bad luck, accident, illness, disease, black magick attack, curse, hex and such bad things. You will be protected from these negative energies once you possess the Grand Magus Spirit ring and work with this incredible divinity.

Her name, full powers and energies, bio and other information will only be revealed to the new Keeper.

No bonding ritual is required. Just by wearing the ring, you will be able to clearly see, hear and work with the Grand Magus Spirit.


We will send you with this ring a special spellcast candle and arcane energy channeling stone.