Plot: Bitten by a genetically altered spider, high school student Peter Parker is suddenly empowered with supernatural abilities, including web-slinging, wall-crawling and super spider senses. Jump into the suit of a fledgling Spider-Man as he learns how to battle the forces of evil in a stunning 3-D New York City. Crawl, leap and swing amongst the dizzying heights of skyscrapers, looking to catch criminals and super-villains in your web. Come face to face with your nemesis, the Green Goblin in death-defying aerial combat. Just like the movie, this could be Spidey's toughest battle... or his last. See if you can be the hero of the city by defeating the Green Goblin. Explore the powers of Peter Parker after he is bitten a radioactive spider and gains amazing new powers, You'll get to swing around the skyscrapers of a massive 3D recreation of New York City, Use your spider-like abilities to do the impossible -- stick to walls, shoot webs and more, Battle criminals as you go beyond the storyline presented in the hit movie - threats like Kraven and The Vulture, New combos and webbing types, plus new puzzles and challenges are waiting for you. 121920-121920P-VG2
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