This is a COPY of the ORIGINAL.

Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machine Model 500


This is an Extremely Readable 8 1/2 Inch x 11 Inch COPY of the original. It is complete consisting of NINETY-SEVEN (97) completely readable pages.

NOTE: THE COPY WE ARE WORKING FROM IS MISSING PAGES 84, 85 AND 86 SO THIS COPY WILL NOT HAVE THEM. These pages would have dealt with Decorative Stitch Patterns. (It sometimes happens that these manuals are missing a page or two near the end. I think this is often a case of error in page numbering when the manuals were made.)

Shipping/Handling for ONE, $4.99 to all 50 states via US PO First Class Mail.

THANK YOU for your time, interest and trust!

An Old Reliable 