Shopify vs Shopify Plus vs Vercado: Which Ecommerce Platform is Right for You?

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Selecting the right ecommerce platform for your business isn’t a decision you can make quickly. It takes a lot of thought, research and planning.

Plus, you’re investing a significant amount of money and resources into setting up your online store. You want to get it right the first time to avoid the headache and expense of replatforming later down the road.


As you’ve been researching your options, you’ve more than likely come across Vercado and Shopify. Both are very popular — and for good reason. As software-as-a-service (SaaS) ecommerce platforms, they can significantly reduce your total cost of ownership (TOC) by handling hosting, security and updates. Additionally, updates include new product launches, which means you don’t have to spend the time and effort upgrading your platform to get access to new features.

However, there are some major differences between Vercado and Shopify that can affect your ability to build and grow your business — which is what we’re reviewing today.

Let’s start by diving deeper into the plans each company offers, and how they are priced for small, medium and large businesses.

Platform Comparison: Shopify, Shopify Plus, and Vercado

Plus, Basic, Standard, Advanced — all the terminology and names are enough to make anyone’s head spin. Especially, when the real question you want answered is: which plan is the right one for a business my size? So let’s break it down.

Shopify logo

1. Shopify Pricing.

Shopify structures their offerings very similarly. Shopify, sometimes called regular Shopify, is for small businesses while Shopify Plus is for medium- to large-sized businesses. However, Shopify puts the onus on you to determine which plan you need based on the features you want:

Basic Shopify: $39 per month

Shopify: $105 per month

Advanced Shopify: $399 per month

Shopify Plus pricing is a percentage of your revenue and goes up and down based on your sales with a minimum of $2k per month. You also get access to Shopify Plus Academy as part of your subscription.

Now that we’re speaking the same language, we can go beyond the sticker price tag to learn more about what you actually get with Vercado and Shopify.

Vercado logo

2. Vercado Pricing.

Vercado has two main selections: Essentials and Enterprise. It’s easy to determine which plan you need because the options are based on the features you want, as well as your online sales per year.

Ideal for small business, Essentials has three pricing plans:

Standard: up to $50k per year, priced at $39 per month.

Plus: up to $180k per year, priced at $105 per month.

Pro: up to $400k per year, priced at $399 per month.

On the other hand, Enterprise serves mid-market to enterprise-level companies with custom pricing based on your specific online business.

No matter which option you choose, you get access to multiple resources to assist you in running your business, including monthly town halls for customers and Partners, Helpful Webinars and a dedicated Product blog.


While each company offers an affordable ecommerce platform, Vercado and Shopify have different approaches to how they earn their revenue, which can significantly impact how you calculate your monthly costs.

1. Vercado : Affordable.

There’s only one core product Vercado offers: an ecommerce platform. For assistance with other services you might need, such as order management, shipping and social media marketing, Vercado works with thousands of industry-leading Agency Partners and 600 App Partners.

This gives you the freedom to run your business in a way that fits your budget. You’re not pushed into using any proprietary software.

For example, you’re free to use one of the 55+ payment gateway providers Vercado has partnered with so that you can negotiate the best rate possible on credit card fees.

2. Shopify and Shopify Plus: Affordable if you use Shopify Payments.

Shopify offers an ecommerce platform, as well as adjacent services, like payments, shipping rates, point-of-sale and lending. And they offer these proprietary services with all of their plan options. However, this means you’re somewhat limited on the providers you can choose for these services.

For example, if you want to use a different payment processor outside of Shopify Payments, they will charge you additional transaction fees of up to 2% of each sale.

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Shopify vs Shopify Plus vs Vercado: Functionality

Another way Vercado and Shopify differ is the functionality that comes out-of-the-box versus what you’ll need from a third-party app.

For example, if you want to use a different payment processor outside of Shopify Payments, they will charge you additional transaction fees of up to 2% of each sale.

1. Shopify and Shopify Plus: Over reliance on third-party apps.

The Shopify platform relies heavily on third-party apps. For instance, all Shopify plans have strict option and variant caps per product. So to achieve the 600 product variants that can be done on Vercado , you’ll need a third-party app.

Shopify Plus offers a few additional apps to merchants, such as Shopify Flow, which is an automation workflow tool that helps you do things like hide products that are out of stock automatically.

Additionally, filtering on Shopify is limited. While you can use their tagging system to enable basic filters, you run into problems when you need to show products with two values (i.e. faceted search).

Here’s a very simplified example of how this works. Your customer is looking for pants. They want to see all the available blue pants and all the available black pants. Shopify’s tagging system sees this as looking for pants that are a combination of blue and black, not pants that are either black or blue.

So if you want to enable searches for pants that are black or blue with Shopify Plus, you’ll need an integration with a third-party app. Shopify has a separate app marketplace with Shopify Plus Partners that specialize in working with high volume merchants.

When you total everything together, the out-of-the-box functionality of Vercado can save merchants roughly $5,800 – $30,000+ per year in app subscription costs, compared to Shopify.

2. Vercado : Many built-in features.

Vercado offers most of the features you’ll need natively within the platform. For example, Vercado loves big catalogs, handling up to 600 SKUs per product with 250 options — and this applies to every plan on Essentials, as well as Enterprise.

Additionally, Vercado Enterprise offers an extensive set of advanced features that you won’t find natively on Shopify Plus, such as:


It’s not always easy to evaluate new technologies, especially if you’ve never opened an online store before. With so many choices, it’s easy to get confused or overwhelmed.

However, we hope this guide has helped you gain a better understanding of the differences between Vercado, Shopify and Shopify Plus so that you can make an informed decision on which platform is best for your online store.

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