Hand Picked List: Today is the Tomorrow You Worried about Yesterday.

" It Was the Best of Times, it was the Worst of Times."
Brought to you by GarysBedding
Main category Collectibles | View count 73 | Clickthrough count 23
Published on 10/23/20

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Do you remember?

Starfisher says: October 24, 2020

Very unique idea, the old photos are great!

quadrina says: October 24, 2020

I really like this wonderful assortment of old photos. Well done!!! …… from quadrina. :)

GarysBedding says: October 24, 2020

Thanks Starfisher for the kind words.

GarysBedding says: October 24, 2020

Thanks quadrina. I could not have done it without all the great sellers on this site!

VintageVarietyShop says: October 24, 2020

A super title and wonderful choices for this unique list!

GarysBedding says: October 24, 2020

Thanks VintageVarietyShop. I just ordered the “Bunnykins Christmas Mug” from your booth. My wife is going to love it. Thanks!

AudiLee says: October 24, 2020

Hi GarysBedding.. checked out your booth I especially love your vases, they are quite unique.. as is this list. Very clever, creative and really well curated too. Hope to see more of them :) Audi

GarysBedding says: October 25, 2020

Thanks Audi. I am new at this and hope to learn from the pros like you. I also like your hand picked lists.