Panasonic Lumix Digital Camera

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Customer Reviews Synopsis

Like new condition. Replaced identical camera that I had for 10 years + recently dropped. Did not wish to pay a fortune for replacement + have to learn how to use it. This camera was a perfect fit for me at an unbelievable price.

This camera is the best point and shoot we have had. The ability to shoot in RAW format gives us creative ability in photoshop. The ability to shoot in Manual is a huge plus and one of the features I was looking for. The lens is excellent quality, not a $2000 Canon DSLR lens, but the glass is excellent. The zoom range is incredible, from very close macro to about 300mm telephoto. The aperture range is excellent for a point and shoot but similar to a kit lens with a DSLR. The menu system is intuitive and easy to navigate. The sensor is of good quality, again not top DSLR smoothness at higher ISO's but the graininess doesn't show until about ISO 1600, great for a point and shoot. Huge plus, and a feature we use all the time is the remote control through the app. The ability to download pictures from the camera directly to a phone or tablet is huge in this age of instagram and facebook.
Overall, this is a pocket sized DSLR with nearly all the features of one without the bulky size. Awesome travel or hiking camera for the photography enthusiast.

Was looking for a point and shoot for some upcoming travels and didn't want to take the full sized Canons and lenses. The LX10 is performing up to thier quality of shots with excellent options. My only issue was a small learning curve on my part to adjust to the Panasonic way of doing things. You can do an internet search for the "Owners Manual for advanced features" for the LX10 and get any help you need.
Very happy with the camera, now if I can just find those plane tickets.....

THIS little camera is so easy to use, fast, lightweight, and takes GORGEOUS photos. 10/10.