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Primary image for Hallmark Gingerbread Fantasy Keepsake Ornament 1997 Light, Motion, & Music W Box

Hallmark Gingerbread Fantasy Keepsake Ornament 1997 Light, Motion, & Music W Box

Sold for $21.72

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Estimated to arrive by Thu, Mar 6th. Details
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Product reviews for "Hallmark Keepsake Ornament (1990s)"

1991 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Carol Collection Tiny Tim Ornament - $7.35

1991 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Carol Collection Tiny Tim Ornament

Average review 5 stars

perfect gift for our 8 year old granddaughter at Christmas since she had just played the role of Tiny Tim at a HS musical performance of A Christmas exceeded our expectation, a fine ornament

Purchased Hallmark Keepsake Ornament (1990s) on Bonanza
Hallmark Keepsake Ornament, Fabulous Decade 1999 - $4.99

Hallmark Keepsake Ornament, Fabulous Decade 1999

0 of 1 people found this helpful.

Average review 5 stars

Very happy with the effort taken to wrap each item individually to ensure safe arrival & love the freebies thrown in, BONUS!

Purchased Hallmark Keepsake Ornament (1990s) on Bonanza
Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Tree Ornament Magic 1991 ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE - $18.80

Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Tree Ornament Magic 1991 ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE

Average review 5 stars
Perfect Christmas Gift!

This Hallmark item has not been available since 1991 and now is going to the perfect home. Looking forward to seeing it on my friends Christmas tree.

Purchased Hallmark Keepsake Ornament (1990s) on Bonanza