Majcka4's Feedback on Bonanza
All Feedback | 4834 |
On Bonanza | 9 |
Imported from other sites More info Bonanza allows sellers to import their feedback ratings from other marketplaces. However, only the positive, neutral, or negative ratings can be imported. Written feedback cannot be imported. | 4825 |
User Feedback
out of 5 stars
All Bonanza Transactions More info Since feedback is optional, many transactions receive no feedback at all. This number reflects the total number of sales and purchases this user has completed on Bonanza, including transactions without feedback. | 201 |
Feedback | From | Items | Date |
5 stars user feedback
Feedback from
Miel de chumelo chumelito gotas para ojos 3 botellas 10 ml hierbas mexicanas | 06/28/21 |
4 stars user feedback
Feedback from
Zopilopastle cobano zopilopaztle semillas de zopilote 6 bolsas de 1 1/2 oz | 01/04/21 |
5 stars user feedback
Flor manita 3 oz. Hierbas Mexicanas Manite Flower Mexican Herbs Toronjil 1 Cancerina y 1 Cuachalalate Mexican Herbs Hierbas Mexicanas Te de limon 3 oz Hierbas te Lemon grass loose tea Prodijiosa 4 oz Hierba Amarga tes mexicano Prodigiosa Bitter Herb Mexican Herbs |
12/02/20 | |
5 stars user feedback
Jarabe de miel broncosol FREE SPOON eucabroncosol flemas garganta Hierba 7.5 oz | 09/26/20 | |
5 stars user feedback
Guarumo Hierba Te guarumbo Cecropia peltata 1/4 oz ARNICA FLOR ½ oz Hierbas ARNICA FLOWER Herb teas Herbal COLA DE CABALLO ½ oz. ENTERO Hierbas HORSETAIL SHAVEGRASS Herb teas Herbal |
09/23/20 | |
5 stars user feedback
Feedback from
PALO GUACO 3 oz Hierbas Mikania glomerata Mikania cordifolia Herbs | 09/20/20 |
5 stars user feedback
Jarabe de miel para tos broncosol eucabroncosol flemas garganta Hierbas 7.5 oz | 04/23/20 | |
1 star user feedback
Muicle 4 oz. Hierbas Mexicanas cuachalalate palo azul Cancerina Mexican Herbs | 02/18/20 | |
5 stars user feedback
Jarabe de miel para tos broncosol flemas garganta Hierba mexicana 1 bote 7.5 oz | 02/02/20 |