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Renaissance Reform of th and Britain : The English Quattrocento, Hardcover

$59.99 More info

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Item traits


Adult Learning & University

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon


Very Good







Publication Year:


Book Title:

Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain : The English Quattroc

Number of Pages:

362 Pages

Publication Name:

Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain : the English Quattrocento


Cambridge University Press

Item Height:

0.9 in

Item Weight:

32.6 Oz

Item Length:

10 in

Subject Area:

Literary Criticism/Philosophy/Language Arts & Disciplines/History


David Rundle

Item Width:

7 in


Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology Ser.

Listing details

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Shipping weights of all items added together for savings.

Posted for sale:

February 19

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